Monday, January 31, 2011

The Value of Art in Early Childhood

The Value of Art in Early Childhood

Children's Self-Portraits Reveal Personal Narratives

Children's Self-Portraits Reveal Personal Narratives

I really enjoy that in this article the speaker/ teacher really take the time to analyze and take children's art into serious conceptual consideration. I believe that children's art indeed is packed with personal symbols and meaning. If you ever have questions about this you should ask a child about there art, they will tell you a whole story about the piece.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

End of Semester Elucidate Show Documentation

These are some images from a Power Point that I created to show at the end of semester critique.  These are pictures and descriptions of the material that was presented at the Elucidate Show at KCAI. Please read and behold carefully the descriptions are 50% of the art in my opinion. If you want to get a closer look at the images you can click on them to make them larger. Also there are some questions at the end that may or may not apply to blog readers but if any apply to you please leave some comments.