Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Great Talk About Embracing your Inner Girl

I feel that if you watch this it may help inform the other videos.This video focuses more on world social view on girls and woman. I think that having the knowledge and information that these videos deal with help me make a difference in my life and in the lives of the people that I am in contact with.


    Interesting article you might like.

  2. That is crazy. I may buy that woman's books I have been doing research on the subject of media and girls. I was really kind of nauseous after watching the new disney channel shows that target girls. One of the things that I found most interesting is the fact that these disney channel girl stars dress just like play boy bunnies. Playboy bunnies get criticized for being sluty by the general public yet we are all letting them hop around disney channel!!! I don't believe in censoring these things but we should at least acknowledging that they exist.
